Flambeau Trail maps
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Flambeau Trail maps
Collection Items
Flambeau Trail from Lake Superior to Lac Du Flambeau
Map created to support trip ticket for master's thesis. Hand drawn by Taschia Bokern. Synthesis of numerous 19th century maps and journals.
Public Land Survey System map: Wisconsin Township 44 North, Range 04 East
Excerpt from the original land survey of Long Lake and the Flambeau Trail trailhead. Created for Flambeau Trail class.
Map created as part of a collaborative effort of Iron County residents. T. C. Chamberline's map was used as a baseline for this map and key details were both added and removed from the orginal.
Map and Sections Illustrating Structure of the Regions Drained by the Bad and Montreal Rivers. Plate XXII.
Geological survey that illustrates the trail networks between the outlet of the Montreal River and Oronto Creek joining the Flambeau Trail. Map clarifies some modern interpretations of the orgin of the Flambeau Trail. Highlights were added in…
Hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River from astronomical and barometrical observations, surveys, and information.
High quality map of Wisconsin, Minnesota and the western portion of Michigan's U.P. Strong detail of Ojibwa trails, communites, and fur trade patterns. researchers will find many insights regarding Northwoods history during the early 19th century.…
Nicollet Sketch Map of Area between St. Croix and Wisconsin Rivers
Remarkable sketch map of Wisconsin, Minnesota and the western portion of Michigan's U.P. Strong detail of Ojibwa trails, communites, and fur trade patterns. researchers will find many insights regarding Northwoods history during the early 19th…
Provisional geological map of part of the Chippeway Land District of Wisconsin with part of Iowa & of Minnesota Terratory
J. G. Norwood was attached to the Owen Geological Expedtion exploreing the norhern Mississippi River and Lake Superior. Norwood's documentation of Ojibwa communites, routes, and culture are among the best from the 19th century. Excerpts of this map…
Map of that part of the mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, ceded to the United States by the treaty of 1842 with the Chippewas
1846 Map drawn by the A. B. Gray expedition detailing both Lake Superior and the interior region of the southern shore. Contains precise cultural observation of Ojibwa, locations of communities and routes of travel. Excerpt from Gray Journal in…
Doty Expedition Map
James D. Doty map from 1820 supporting the Jounal of the 1820 expedition of Doty, Schoolcraft, and Cass. Excerpt from Doty Journal in support of Flambeau Trail class.