High quality map of Wisconsin, Minnesota and the western portion of Michigan's U.P. Strong detail of Ojibwa trails, communites, and fur trade patterns. researchers will find many insights regarding Northwoods history during the early 19th century.…
Excerpts of early journal that delivers keen insights into the use of the Flambeau Trail, Fur Trade operations on Lake Superior and Lac Du Flambeau. The attached excerpt focuses on the use of the Flambeau Trail. The entire document can be found at…
document freated for Flambeau Trail class shared by a participant. Document highlights two important historic events that took place near the trailhead of the Flambeau Trail.
J. G. Norwood was attached to the Owen Geological Expedtion exploreing the norhern Mississippi River and Lake Superior. Norwood's documentation of Ojibwa communites, routes, and culture are among the best from the 19th century. Excerpts of this map…
This newspaper article, by historian Larry Peterson of Ironwood MI, gives an overview of the cultural history of the Montreal River, including the role of the Flambeau Trail
Sherman Hall's journals from his ministry along Lake Superior and traveling to Lac Du Flambeau are among the best sources for the Flambeau trail. This document was part of a Flambeau Trail Class.
This booklet describes points of historic, geologic, and cultural importance you can see today along the Flambeau Trail from LaPointe-Madeline Island to Lac du Flambeau. This booklet was created to support the Flambeau Trek, conducted 1993-1995,…