Insightful account of south shore Lake Superior and interior Ojibwa. Context is mid 19th centry during the post treaty process, looking back upon tradtional Ojibwa heritage. This doucment is an excerpt from the larger document created by James…
High quality map of Wisconsin, Minnesota and the western portion of Michigan's U.P. Strong detail of Ojibwa trails, communites, and fur trade patterns. researchers will find many insights regarding Northwoods history during the early 19th century.…
Part of a 5 part series on winter trapping with Fay Buck and other well-known trappers. Article IV has excellent detail regarding Ojibwa using Mercer for seasonal winter harvest as they had for over 150 years when the area was known as the Turtle…
Excerpt was sued as part of a Flambeau Trail class. Warren reviews Ojibwa communities along the south shore of Lake Superior and the interior region. Identifies Turtle Portage and Trout Lake as staging areas for the Ojibwa occupation of Lac Du…
Web site created to capture the impact of the Rest Lake Dam on history and cultural resources. This early research hold-up well, except later research reveals Army Corps documents clearly suggest the 25 foot dam site on Vance lake was never build…
This booklet describes points of historic, geologic, and cultural importance you can see today along the Flambeau Trail from LaPointe-Madeline Island to Lac du Flambeau. This booklet was created to support the Flambeau Trek, conducted 1993-1995,…
This article describes the 1966 ceremony re-dedicating the historic Flambeau Trail that was surveyed, signed, and promoted as an Iron County attraction. This was the first attempt at re-surveying and marking this historic route. This cooperative…
James D. Doty map from 1820 supporting the Jounal of the 1820 expedition of Doty, Schoolcraft, and Cass. Excerpt from Doty Journal in support of Flambeau Trail class.