Invitation announcements to the Re-dedication of the Flambeau Trail Ceremony on August 7, 1994 at Lake of the Falls, Iron County. This dedication was a cooperative project between Iron County, the Iron County Development Zone, and the Iron County…
This is the schedule, presenters, and opening remarks narration given for the 1994 Re-Dedication of the Historic Flambeau Trail as part of the Iron County Heritage Festical.
This is the itinerary and speeches given at the Flambeau Trail Re-Dedication ceremony held on August 7, 1994 at Lake of the Falls County Park in Mercer, WI.
Two documents that detail the errors in the orders to T J Cram by Congress to survey a border between Wisconsin and Michigan. These early errors let to an ongoing dispute that was ultimately settled in the U.S. Supreme Court in the 20th Century.…
Excerpt was sued as part of a Flambeau Trail class. Warren reviews Ojibwa communities along the south shore of Lake Superior and the interior region. Identifies Turtle Portage and Trout Lake as staging areas for the Ojibwa occupation of Lac Du…